Next generation controllers which seamlessly integrate into existing building automation networks
ASI Controls Inc. received BACnet B-BC certification for its line of fully-programmable controllers. As commercial HVAC becomes more complex, cross-brand communication between controllers across a BACnet protocol has become a mandatory requirement for nearly every project. The BACnet Labs B-BC certification allows ASI to provide a powerful, cost-effective line of controllers which meet market demand.
BACnet Testing Laboratories (BTL) B-BC certification is an accolade of distinction for ASI Controls. Obtaining the BTL Mark demonstrates a commitment to developing exceptional products which meet rigorous testing criteria.

Flexible integration to meet project demands
The entire ASIC/3 line including the ASIC/3-9540, 9520, 9536 and 6115 models received B-BC certification from BTL allowing complete integration with any other BACnet capable device. With the ASIC/3-9000 line, a user can seamless connect multiple ASI devices or competitor’s devices throughout an entire building.
ASIC/3 fully-programmable controllers offer unrivaled flexibility via USB host and USB device connectors, and easily integrate into BACnet. The ASIC/3 9000 series all feature Ethernet interfaces, optional wireless communications, SD-CARD slot, and offer additional integration into Modbus networks.
“These controllers all utilize the same firmware, so they call can serve a dual purpose as either unitary controllers or supervisory controllers for other devices,” said Richard Holman, engineering supervisor.
“It’s an extremely cost-effective and powerful solution,” he added.
Customization without front-end integration
Traditionally, controllers required the inclusion of a separate front end to handle alarm and event management. ASI Controls’ ASIC/3 line improves alarm and event management by allowing the controller itself to generate alarms and communicate events to either other controllers or a front end such as IntelliFRONT or Tridium Niagara.
ASI also integrated next-generation scheduling, trending, and device network management functionality in the ASIC/3 line. With fully-fledged BACnet scheduling and calendaring, users can meet specific customer demands for weekly scheduling, holidays, and exception periods within the controllers themselves.
“We can get really specific with things like UTC offsets,” Holman said. “Users have the ability to schedule UTC offsets down to 15-minute intervals and they can save and restore configurations for each device very easily.”